“Election, Smelection”: Overcoming Political Indifference


It has often been said that in polite company, two subjects are to be avoided in conversation: religion and politics. Perhaps it is figured that as long as they are not discussed then no feelings will be hurt and all problems will be resolved. However, even in avoiding the topics, feelings still get hurt and problems still go unresolved, thereby increasing the turmoil and iniquity in which governments and thus societies abide. And then perhaps there is an even stronger conviction that religion and politics should not be discussed together, and to some degree there is good in separating the two. However, the standard of right for one must be the standard of right for the other in order for the two to coexist in harmony, and from that standpoint religion and politics go hand in hand. A problem many democracies face, America in particular, is that many of its citizens want no more to do with politics than they do with religion and therefore the very foundations upon which they are built crumble like rotted wood. If, though, America is ever to revive its Christian roots and restore morality, ethics, and common sense, there must be a political awakening among New Testament Christians.

Many children of God perhaps view elections as nothing more than the smear campaigns that they have seemingly become. Sadly, too many times political races are not decided based on who knows the right answers to the problems being faced, but rather they are decided based on who desecrates the reputation of the other candidate the most. Voters no longer can vote for the best of two candidates, but for the lesser of two evils. And because the political arena has such a poor reputation many Christians want nothing to do with it. However, stop to consider the fact that if Christians do not vote, who easily accomplishes their agenda? The lost and ungodly of the world, leading the country further into spiritual decay. That exactly is where America stands today. We are, for all intents and purposes, at a crossroad. Will there be a general desire among the people to try to maintain what little righteousness remains, or will America “cross the Rubicon” into perpetual evil? Christians must awake from their political indifference and make a statement for right.

There perhaps is no need to look any further into history than ancient Israel to see an example of people who were religiously and politically indifferent and paid severely for lack of interest or conviction. Though since their beginning the nation had periodically rejected God, at the end of Joshua’s life, the people make a marvelous statement about their willingness to serve God. When told to choose whom they would serve, the people answered and said, “God forbid that we should forsake the Lord, to serve other gods…” (Joshua 24:16). And serve Him they did for a short while. However, shortly after Joshua’s death and burial as recorded in Judges 2, about these same people it is said that, “…there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). Their religious indifference impacted the nation politically, and they incurred the wrath of God by being sent into captivity. Eight times in the book of Judges alone the religious and political indifference of the people caused them to be exiled by the Lord. And later on in their history, it would cause them to be punished again. Those people, sadly, never did learn the value of moral and godly political leadership and therefore never demanded it. When will the people of America and of the world learn the lesson the Israelites never did and demand moral and godly leadership once more?

How, though, can Christians overcome their political indifference? First, remember the glory America once enjoyed because of her association with Christianity. No, not all citizens accepted the truth of the Bible religiously, but most did accept the truth of the Bible morally. Remember the country that was once was and realize that it could be again.

Second, educate yourself in the issues that especially relate to the moral nature of society. understandably, there are other pressing needs that every American has in the areas of finance, healthcare, and security; but matters of morality should be the first priority all Christians have when they enter the voting booth. Paul stressed to Timothy that physical matters should never be exalted above godly matters (I Timothy 4:8). Educate yourself in these moral matters such as abortion, homosexual marriage, stem cell research, and others; and then vote according as to who will lead this country in, or closest to, righteousness.

Finally, pray. There is no greater need this country has than for faithful Christians from coast to coast and around the world to pray for it. As great as America is, it is nothing without God on its side. Therefore pray for its government, for its citizens, for its decisions, and for its future.

I remember as a young boy making the statement to my father on one occasion that when I reached the age at which I could vote that I had no desire to get mixed up in these silly politics. “Election, smelection,” was what I in my youthful ignorance thought. However, in response to my indifference my father told me that nobody who refuses to vote has any right to complain about the direction of the country because they have forfeited their right to make a difference. Are you tired of governmental corruptness and social immorality? If so overcome the strong desire to be politically indifferent and impact the future of this country and her relationship with the everlasting Father with your vote.

-Andy Brewer

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