Christianity is the Solution

Problems exist and persist in this world. In fact, we are so plagued with them that they seem to have become commonplace in all areas of life. The news each day only confirms the reality we have had to face regarding our society’s problems. And what is even more troubling about much of what we face is that these problems not only have physical and lifelong consequences, but many of them touch that which is spiritual and eternal. Thus we stand back, survey all that lies before us, and ask the question with trepidation and trembling—what can we do? How can we remedy and cure the issues that have plagued us since virtually the beginning of time? What hope is there for anybody amidst the trials and tribulations we regularly face? Where can we turn? The one and only answer to the problems that have dramatically shifted the world’s cares is New Testament Christianity.

Yes, I know the subject is taboo. Hushed whispers quell the silence when religion is uttered in a public setting; but is that not one part of the larger problem? Voices of truth, righteousness, morality, and purity have been quieted for too long out of the desire of the masses to advance the “freedom” to live according to any preference one might have. The result has not been the oasis that some had perhaps envisioned, but has rather lead us down the road of degradation and to the depraved point at which we now reside. Perhaps after thousands of years of trying everything except religion, it is time to put aside the inner pride that many feel and embrace the only thing that has the hope of solving the disaster that has become society—New Testament Christianity. Still, though, three questions might remain that need to be answered:

Why is Christianity the solution? Christianity is the solution to the problems of the world because God designed it and established it for that very purpose. In reference to all subjects of Christianity, Peter wrote that we are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Christianity was produced as a means of changing the countenance of the world from that of darkness to light, or from sin to righteousness. And it is the case that anywhere it has gone and anybody among whom it has been established, Christianity has drastically changed the landscape of that society. A great many of the first century Jews gathered on Pentecost in Acts 2 had been blood thirsty, vengeful, and hateful people. But when they heard, accepted, and obeyed the gospel of Christ and became Christians, that changed (Acts 2:41-47). Some would point to instances in history and locations where “Christianity” went and things got no better but actually worsened. There are false forms of Christianity that will do that. But when New Testament Christianity in its purity is accepted, it will solve many of man’s problems.

How is Christianity the solution? Such a charge as that made in our title is one that must be proven and not merely accepted at word. However, I believe when the New Testament is examined in light of many of the world’s problems then the answers are found. Poverty and homelessness is an issue with which most nations of the world must deal. How can Christianity solve it? One way is through the Christian principle of work (2 Thessalonians 3:10). Another is through true Christian benevolence (Galatians 6:10). Corruption plagues virtually every land under heaven. What solution does Christianity offer? Christ originated the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) that would drastically change how men would treat one another if only accepted. What about immorality in all its various forms? Man but needs to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). Most problems we face in life on a personal or mass level, Christianity and its principles can solve if only we will realize it and submit.

When is Christianity the solution? Many might say, “But Christianity has been around for centuries and the problems persist.” However, what they fail to realize is that Christianity only works when it is practiced. Christianity is much more than an inner belief, but it is an inner belief that must produce active fruit in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23; James 2:14-26). Critics and skeptics are never willing to give an honest try to our claims, they merely want to question and attack. But our guarantee is that if only the world would accept true New Testament Christianity and seek to apply its principles to their life on a daily basis, that would be the day that the problems of the world in all their many forms would be solved and life would drastically improve for all.

The wisdom of God is so great. Man may question it and reject it, but “the foolishness of God is wiser than men” (1 Corinthians 1:25). Is it not time to accept the evidence and submit to that wisdom, and allow Christianity to be the solution?

-Andy Brewer

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