If Only They Were That Interested in the Gospel!


The heavens have opened and the angels are singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” Chik-fil-a opened in Dyersburg today. I am not a big fan of fast food by any stretch of the imagination. I would rather go hungry than eat at McDonald’s. I can stomach Burger King or Wendy’s if I have to. I enjoy Sonic on occasion. But Chik-fil-a is much more than fast food; it can become a way of life. It is no wonder, then, that last night as we drove by the restaurant that hundreds of people were already camping out to be among those first in line this morning. You see, anytime a Chik-fil-a opens they have this contest where the first one hundred customers the morning of its opening get a free Chik-fil-a meal every week for the first year. Such an offer draws crowds in the early hours of the day before to ensure they get a premium campsite in close proximity to the front door. Then the next morning they line up and await their free meals. Now I love Chik-fil-a, but such did not appeal to me. It did, though, appeal to many, as the number of tents set up would reveal. And I think that’s great. If someone is truly interested in it enough to sacrifice their time and personal comfort to be among those winners more power to them. But if only people would be that interested in the gospel!

All of my life I have heard the stories from the “glory-days” of the church (the early and mid 20th century when she grew by leaps and bounds); when revival meetings were held and so many attended that some had to be turned away. Those were days when people were hungry for the gospel and would make great sacrifices to hear it. Generally speaking, in America those days are gone. Many are unwilling to walk next door much less travel any distance to hear the gospel preached. But I remember reading in my Bible of people who would travel at length to follow the Savior and listen to His masterful teaching (Matthew 5:1; 8:1; 13:2; etc.) I remember reading of people who were so faithful that they would rather leave their ancestral homes rather than give up the faith (Acts 8:1-4). I remember reading of people who were more willing to lay down their lives than lay down their faith (Acts 12:1-2). And I thank God that there are still some still among us who would do the same without hesitation. However, I sorrow at the multiplied millions and even billions who would not. If only they were that interested in the gospel!


-Andy Brewer

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