He Answered Nothing


One thing that has always impressed me about the character of Jesus is that He refused to subject Himself to pressure techniques. During one of the most emotion filled instances in His life He was chided by the chief priests and elders with false accusations and anger filled words; but while many of us would have answered quickly as a sign of defense, Matthew 27:12 simply states that “he answered nothing.” Why was that the case? Was Jesus incapable of providing them an answer? Was He a hypocrite who felt that silence was the only answer He could provide? Absolutely not! Jesus had proven Himself to be right before and could have done so again. The reason He provided them not an answer was because they were not interested in the truth. He simply felt no need to give that which was holy unto the dogs or cast His pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6).

The last few days I have been the subject of a rather mean spirited thread on Facebook by some folks who stated they wanted answers to a Bible question. After a few days of reading these people’s comments I had decided their attitudes were of such that I simply was not going to participate. But after being called a few names myself, and having other insinuations made, I fell right into their web and made a brief comment, a move I now regret. It is impossible to judge people’s hearts alone, but when they put their hearts on full display through their words, it immediately becomes very easy (Luke 6:45). These people are not looking for answers, they are looking for a fight. I’m not interested. But I have learned one thing from my mistake. I believe I now have a better understanding of why Jesus, who does have all the answers, “answered nothing.”

-Andy Brewer

1 thought on “He Answered Nothing”

  1. I totally understand your dilemia. I knew what you were doing and probably would not have held off as long as you did. People so hauty with no answers themselves “are” just looking for a fight or to try to make someone look bad and the reality is they are the ones who look “not very intelligent”. LOL. We learn new lessons everyday.
    You do a great job and we are very proud to have you all as part of our family.


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