The Engrafted Word


The 32nd annual Phillips Street Lectures is now in the books and what a profitable weekend it was. Our examination was of the title above, “The Engrafted Word,” and fifteen speakers discussed fifteen different topics addressing that theme. One of the things that we hoped to stress by examining this much-needed theme was our complete and total reliance on the word of God for all things spiritual. The gospel strengthens us, directs us, enriches us, and ultimately will save us. However, society’s dissatisfaction for the Bible has caused most religious bodies to abandon the scriptures as their means of governing. But to abandon God’s word is to abandon God. One cannot discount words of authority without discounting the source of authority itself. Thus the need for topics such as:

  • “Making Christian Living Second Nature”
  • “The Nature of the Engrafted Word: The Implications of Inspiration”
  • “Receiving the Word as Doers and not Hearers Only (James 1:22)”
  • “The Engrafted Word and the Fruit of the Spirit”
  • “The Need for Knowledge in an Age of Ignorance (Hosea 4:6)”
  • “The Cycle of Truth: Go and Do Thou Likewise (2 Timothy 2:2)”

These topics and others constructed a marvelous examination of the engrafted word that is able to save our souls. Phillips Street really is capable of putting on a top-notch lectureship program each year and I am excited about some ideas for future development of it. Plans are already being made for speakers, themes, and topics for next year. Why not set aside a weekend in April next year and come to join us for number 33?

-Andy Brewer
P.S. All lectures are available in audio and video format at

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