Bragging on the Brethren

Preachers are extremely good at beating down on the brethren sometimes. It seems that many feel it is their sole job to mount the pulpit each week and hammer down on everything the members are doing wrong or not doing at all. Granted, this is needed at times as per Paul’s charge to reprove and rebuke (2 Timothy 4:2), but sometimes we forget about the need to exhort. I hope you’ll indulge me just a few minutes as I do a little bragging on the brethren.For the last few years the congregations at Phillips Street and Glendale (outside of Dyersburg in Newbern) have combined forces to build, stock, maintain, and well man a booth at the Dyer County fair. We actually have one of the choicest spots in the exhibit hall, which means heavy traffic and lots of evangelistic opportunity. A few months ago we got to planning and picked a theme (this year’s is “Confronting Culture”) and went through a long list of ideas we had in working towards its success such as the right combination of tracts, booklets, DVDs, setup, methods, giveaways, etc. The result is the picture you see above.

However, what really makes this project both worthwhile and beneficial to the work of the church is the participation of the members of each congregation. The day we set the booth up (which required ingenuity, carpentry skills, and an eye for design) there were about 15 people present. Then during the week we have had at least 6 people each day working the booth, handing out bags with tracts and informational postcards, encouraging people to sign up for our giveaways and correspondence courses, directing people to other tracts, magazines, and DVDs that would be of interest, and keeping it all well stocked and attractive. But did I mention that this goes on for 6 days (Monday-Saturday), which means at least 36 additional people (a few of which are included in those who helped set up) are actively working in this endeavor. That is a grand total of at least 50, and likely some more that I’m forgetting along the way who volunteered 3-4 hours this week to serve this evangelistic cause. That’s reason to rejoice!

What will be the results? Well, as of this writing we still have three days to go but several have already signed up for correspondence courses and a significant number of DVDs, tracts, and magazines have been taken. At the end of the day this booth works toward our mission of taking the gospel to the world. Whether we like it or not, whether the people accept or reject the material they have taken is left between them and God; we’ll just trust in Him to bring the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6). I’m proud, though, to be associated with so many Christians who are evangelistically minded. If fulfilling the Great Commission doesn’t warrant a little bragging on the brethren, what does?

-Andy Brewer

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