Preparation Pays Off


Last Saturday night came far sooner than I ever would have imagined – it was my first class reunion. It’s amazing how that when you are in school you never think you will finish, but after you finish time moves so quickly. Of the 140 or so that graduated only 35-40 returned for the reunion, but of those that returned most of us had been classmates since kindergarten. Some I have seen intermittently since high school, but some I had not seen at all. Amazingly, outside of a couple of receding hairlines (one being mine), we all looked much the same as I remembered. However, as we mingled and caught up on each others’ lives that night one thing in particular struck me. Everyone seemed to be doing very well in life. As far as I could tell everyone has a good job that provides a comfortable life that we all truly enjoy. But I also know that none of that success thus far has come by accident. Practically everyone there had rigorously prepared themselves for the life they now have. Many went to college or some type of technical trade school where they were trained to perform well in their particular field. Others are involved in a job they have worked in some capacity for years and that experience as been extremely valuable to their present success. All in all one thing I walked away with from that time spent with childhood friends was that preparation can really pay off.

If that fact is true regarding the transient and comparatively mundane matter of earthly employment, how much more true is it concerning matters of eternal importance? I have long heard and preached the fact that no one will be in heaven by accident or mere chance. The great blessing of eternal life awaits only those who spend their lifetimes preparing for entrance to God’s own dwelling place. However, those who have not made adequate preparation shall be turned away. Matthew 25:31ff records such truth. To the wicked and ungodly set to the left hand of Jesus at the Judgment the Lord says, “Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels…” (vs. 41). Why such words of condemnation? Read vs. 42-45 and it will be found that those condemned had not prepared themselves through life. But to the blessed at His right hand Jesus says, “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…” (vs. 34). Why? In vs. 35-40 Jesus says that they had prepared themselves for that prepared place.

Many wander through life without any true allegiance to God assuming that He will gladly receive them eternally, not caring what works they have wrought. Revelation 22:14, though, speaks of those who shall “have right to the tree of life” and who may “enter in through the gates into the city.” John records it will be those “that DO his commandments.” Such effort requires sacrifice and preparation. But in the end the testimony of the saints shall be unanimous: preparation pays off!

-Andy Brewer

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