Title: Children, an Heritage of the Lord
Text: Psalm 127:3-5
Main Point: While many in this world have very cynical views of children (nuisances, baggage, expendable, more trouble than they’re worth) God views children in a very special way, as evident from the text and such passages as Matthew 18:1-6. Emphasize the true meaning of “heritage” from the text and ask the question, what value do our children hold not only in the present but in the future?
Discussion Points:
1. They Represent a Social Tomorrow – One of the most troubling aspects of life today is the complete destruction of a moral and just society – there is very little consideration of right and wrong any more. Such an attitude is reminiscent of ancient Israel whose immoral attitude often caused their society to crumble. We can look to a hopeful future for society through the lives of our children. Example: 1 Kings 11:1-3, after King Solomon turned to immorality Israel began to fall apart. After his death and the kingdom divided it was 20 years before the southern kingdom ever had a righteous king and the northern kingdom never did. It wasn’t until Asa was born and rose to power (3rd king in southern kingdom) that righteousness was restored for a time. He had personally seen the consequences of sin and vowed to change it all. Children are an heritage of the Lord because they represent that same hopeful future for our society.
2. They Represent a Spiritual Tomorrow – While the world is in shambles it is the world (contrasted with the church) thus it should not be a surprise. What is a surprise, though, is the state of the church in many areas. However, we can look to our children and the manner by which we are teaching, exhorting, and encouraging them in the ways that are right and see a hopeful future spiritually. When Judah was sent into Babylon it was because they had forsaken the law, true worship, and God. For 70 years they remained in Babylon where they bore and reared children. It was those children, born and reared in the worst of circumstances, who eventually grew up and rebuilt the nation in righteousness (Ezra 3:1-2). Those children represented a spiritual tomorrow for their people and our children are an heritage of God because they represent the same for us.
3. They Represent a Special Tomorrow – Think about the various special moments children represent in life: when they are born, they say their first word, they take their first step, they graduate from high school and college, they get married, they have children of their own, etc. These are all but incidentals in comparison to a much more special day – the day when Christian parents and children are reunited in heaven. What could be more special than that? Their salvation validates every prayer you said on their behalf, every Bible study you had with them, every struggle you endured to rear them in a godly manner, etc. Examples such as the elect lady (2 John) and Eunice (2 Timothy 1:5) come to mind. What a heritage our children are as they represent a very special tomorrow for all Christians!
Maybe this sermon can be used as a bit of encouragement for your brethren to continue putting every effort and resource available into have a stable, active, growing, and learning youth group – ultimately this is an “investment” in the church for today and for tomorrow!