Caught Doing Good


My route to work each day carries me past the house of a couple of our older members who each morning have the habit of eating breakfast at a local restaurant with friends. This morning as I drove past their house I couldn’t help but notice that one of our other retired members was there push mowing their yard while they were gone. Knowing this couple they likely didn’t ask him to do this; but knowing this man, he didn’t have to be asked to. I wouldn’t dare tell his name because he wouldn’t want me to, but it gives you a great feeling when you are able to drive by and catch one of your brethren doing good!

What if every Christian made it a point on a regular basis, whether daily, weekly, monthly, etc., to do a good deed for somebody else? How would such an outpouring of love and care impact the world at large? What type of reputation would the church garner in your community? I think to ask the question is to answer it. We are never to do anything simply to be seen of men, but we must realize that what men see of us ultimately casts a reflection back on the church of which we are members and the God whom we claim to serve (Matthew 5:16). Some wish to place undue and unscriptural restrictions on those to whom we as Christians can render good, but Paul stated very clearly to the church in Galatia: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:9-10).

I thank God that in a world filled with pessimism about the state of man’s concern for his fellow man that I still see New Testament Christians going about their righteous works in a quiet and humble manner. Ultimately we must realize that we are all going to be “caught” in life doing something. We just have to ask ourselves whether we want to be caught in sin or be caught doing good?

-Andy Brewer

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