Sunday Sermon Starter 10-10-11

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:10). How often has that great verse been quoted, preached, and taught? Its truth has been realized in the hearts of Christian men throughout history who have been fortunate enough to win the hand of a godly woman. Life is so much more enjoyable and productive with a virtuous woman at your side. Our Sermon Starter this week comes from a sermon I preached a few years ago on Mother’s Day, but I highlight it here at this time because I fear we only emphasize the value of godly women on Mother’s Day and then forget them the rest of the year. We must constantly “put the brethren in remembrance” of these virtuous qualities in order to encourage the current godly and to instruct those who are not.Title: A Woman Without Equal

Text: Proverbs 31:10-31

Main Point: The Bible discusses the lives of many marvelous women, but one of the most outstanding is identified only as the “virtuous woman.” Solomon celebrates this woman for all she represents as a wife, mother, and person.

Discussion Points:
1. The Woman She Was – (vs. 11, 28-29) – This woman was somebody’s daughter, somebody’s wife, and somebody’s mother and she excelled in each area. As a daughter she gave pride to her parent for the woman she became (vs. 29). As a wife she gave reason for her husband to trust her and feel secure (vs. 11). As a mother she excelled in her duties to the thanks of her children (vs. 28).

2. The Work She Did – Her life was characterized by work (vs. 13). She worked with what came her way, not always worrying about having the best (vs. 11-12). Her work demanded incredible energy but she did it without complaint (vs. 15-19). She was helpful as much as she could be and was prepared for anything that came along (vs. 20-21).

3. The Wardrobe She Owns – These verses describe both her outward and inward clothing. Her outward clothing – vs. 22. Her inward clothing – vs. 25.

4. The Words She Speaks – (vs. 26) – Her character defined her speech. We speak out of the abundance of the heart (Matthew 12:34). This lady’s words of wisdom and kindness reflect her wisdom and kindness. And the extent to which she was kind was so great that her speech was referred to as “the law of kindness.” It was a rule and not an option.

5. The Worth She Has – (vs. 10) – How valuable was she to her husband? What is it worth to have complete trust in your partner, to have one who will be good to you throughout life, and to have a wife who will call out the best in all who are around them? How valuable was she to her children? What is it worth to have a mother about whom you can rise up and call blessed, in whom you can take great pride, and who is worthy of praise for her success? Solomon says her worth was far above the most precious and valuable of stones because her worth is eternal.

The woman of Proverbs 31 truly is a woman without equal. We need to encourage our godly women in these pursuits. We need to instruct our young ladies in these areas. We need to guide our young men in searching for such a woman. We need to encourage our men to cherish such women in their lives. It will not happen through one sermon a year. Let’s exalt these virtues year-round!

-Andy Brewer

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