Exhausting Every Avenue of Evangelism Available


A marvelous statement is made of the 1st century Christians’ accomplishments in Colossians 1:23: “…if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister…” No they did not have the modes of transportation available today nor did they have the technological advances we enjoy. What they were able to do, though, was have a world-reaching influence with the gospel that has been unmatched since. They might not have had many options available to them, but the 1st century Christians exhausted every avenue of evangelism available in order to accomplish their purpose – and the gospel went to the entire world.

Since then roughly 80 generations have come and gone (a generation being about 25 years). However, in 80 generations the gospel has never encompassed the globe entirely more than that single time. This must be a wake up call to New Testament Christians everywhere to recognize the severity and urgency of the Great Commission and our responsibility pertaining to it. If we will not go they will not hear. If they will not hear they will not obey. If they will not obey they will be lost (Romans 10:14-15). Will we go or will we stay? In the 21st century we now have capabilities to reach the world like we never have before. Are we exhausting every avenue of evangelism available?

-Andy Brewer

Note: In order to add to the church’s effort of saturating our society with the gospel, the Phillips Street Church of Christ has launched a YouTube channel on which we are archiving our sermons. If you previously logged onto OABS to access our videos you now can do so at http://www.youtube.com/user/phillipsstreetcoc. Please log on and subscribe to our channel to receive email notices each time a new video is posted. Also, be keeping an eye open for the launch of our new website in the next few weeks @ www.phillipsstreetcoc.com.

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