Sunday Sermon Starter 11-28-11


I fear sometimes that many Christians are living in the past. Now that you have come to all manner of conclusions about me from that one statement let me clarify what I mean. Have you ever heard members of the church talk about the “glory days,” when the church grew by leaps and bounds back in the middle of the 20th century? I have. But that’s not the problem. It is good to talk about those days because it awakens our realization to the power of truth. However, it is important to not let the “glory days” of the past define the church today. I am as proud of our brethren in days gone by as the next person but we have got to stop being satisfied with the success of the past and work to grow the church today! About a year ago I preached the following sermon with the intent of awakening our hearts to the urgency of the gospel message. Brethren, we need a revival!

Title: Reaching for a Revival

Text: Psalm 119:25,37,40, etc.

Main Point: Typically we associate the term “revival” with gospel meeting efforts (we think of it as a noun rather than a verb). But true revival is much more than an annual event, it is an awakening of the spirit to realize the urgency and the importance of the Christian’s mission. But it is important to understand that the need for revival does not necessarily imply weakness or iniquity, but it does imply rejuvenation or refreshing. It is always important, though, to pattern revival after Biblical authority, thus what tips does the Bible provide as to the nature, basis, and necessities of true revival?

Discussion Points:
1. The Rule of Revival – it cannot be based only on sheer emotion, if so chaos will reign. True revival comes with an awakening to God’s word – Psalm 119:25,107,149,154,156. “Any revival not based on God’s word will be like a sky-rocket, which goes up with a flash, and comes down a stick!”

2. The Sphere of Revival – Revival according to God’s word implies direction according to His ways and not ours. Psalm 119:37 – the way of revival must be the way of holiness and lowliness.

3. The Principle of Revival – True revival does not bear wrongdoing but righteousness. Psalm 119:40 – righteousness is the principle of doing right because it is right.

4. The Attraction of Revival – What is so great about revival? It is a reflection of the contagious nature of God’s love. Psalm 119:88,159 – love dominates in all true revival. Divine love is its source and man’s love is its fuel.

5. The Outcome of Revival – Is revival truly worth the effort that it demands? What shall come of it? Psalm 85:6 – why can we rejoice? The work of God is being done now and the pathway of righteousness is being paved toward eternity!

The need for revival is universal. It touches every person and every congregation. Brethren, let’s encourage New Testament Christians everywhere to do more each day reaching for a revival!

-Andy Brewer

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