Sunday Sermon Starter 12-5-11


There is a significant amount of misunderstanding that is present in the religious world at large regarding the nature of the church. Many look at it as a commodity to be exploited for profit. Some look at it as an optional part of a larger spiritual movement. Others see no value in it at all. The problem with any of these attitudes or others that are present is that men tend to look at the church with the logic and reasoning of men. Paul declared the wisdom of men to be foolishness (1 Corinthians 3:19) thus to gain a proper perspective we need to look at the church through the eyes of Jesus. A couple of months ago we did just that. Below is my offering:

Title: Looking at the Church through the Eyes of Jesus

Text: Matthew 16:16-19

Main Point: Some people in this world have become synonymous with certain innovations (Henry Ford – automobile, Alexander Graham Bell – telephone, the Wright brothers – airplanes, etc.). But as important as all of these people and innovations have been to the advancement of our age there is One name that stands above them all because of what He offered as a living legacy to this world – Jesus Christ and the church. The church consumed the mind, life, conversations, and purpose of Jesus while on earth indicating just how important that institution was to Him – evident from the following:

Discussion Points:
1. The Price He Paid – What a person thinks of something is typically evident from the price they pay for it. Various things in scripture are discussed according to their intrinsic value (the virtuous woman – Proverbs 31:10; wisdom – Proverbs 8:11; the church – Acts 20:28). This along with other passages tells us the value Jesus placed on the church (Matthew 13:44-46; Ephesians 5:25; 1 John 3:16; Ephesians 5:23).

2. The Prayers He Prayed – If one thing is evident regarding our affection for another is it our frequency of prayer on their behalf. No greater compliment can be paid than praying for someone. Jesus regularly prayed for the church (Matthew 6:10; John 17:11,15,21).

3. The Plans He Laid – the church was not an afterthought – Jesus had plans for it when He came. Not included in those plans was for it to be merely a social club or activities center. The church was intended to be: (1) a fellowship of Christians in which spiritual support could be easily accessible [Philippians 1:5], (2) an avenue by which Christians could approach the throne of God and commune at His table [Luke 22:29-30], (3) the vessel by which God intends to save His people [Ephesians 5:23].

4. The Promises He Made – to the disciples traumatized by Jesus’ impending departure He promised a home (John 14:1-3). Many promises are made to the church (prayer, worship, to be called the sons of God) but they are all secondary to the eternal promise made to His children. Paul looked to that promise with anticipation (Philippians 1:21-23). But those promises are extended to God’s children only – those contained in the church, the body of Jesus!

Jesus has a much different perspective of His church than we do because of all He had to endure to bring about its very existence. Thanks be to God that we have such revealed insight to be able to look at the church through the eyes of Jesus!

-Andy Brewer

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