You perhaps heard the news out of New York late last week about the young lady who induced a self-abortion. Apparently the 20 year-old woman “was charged with performing an abortion on herself after police found a fetus in a trash bin outside the woman’s Manhattan apartment building.” She was charged with self-abortion in the first degree, which is considered a misdemeanor and faces up to a year in jail. I have two thoughts about this.
1. I have mixed feelings about the law that was enforced, but let me explain what I mean. I am obviously very happy that such an act is illegal. It should be. It is absolutely unfathomable to me how a person could subject a child to this type of treatment. In my life I have heard more stories about children being found dead in trash bins than I can possibly stomach. I am glad that she is going to be held accountable for her actions. However, the mixture of my feelings comes regarding the severity of her punishment. Why is this only considered a misdemeanor? If that child had already been born and this happened she would be facing life in prison or execution. However, because the child was still residing in the womb then the woman could kill her child and get the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. In what world is this not considered a felony to the highest degree?
2. How is it that abortion can be illegal when performed by one’s self but perfectly legal when performed behind the closed doors of a clinic? The primary argument used by pro-abortion advocates is that this is a discussion about the right women should have to make decisions regarding their own bodies. If that is true (although it is not) then would that fundamental right not only allow a woman to make the decisions about her own body but to also administer such procedures herself? This story illustrates just how backwards the moral mindset in our society really is. It is situation ethics and it is wrong!
We are quickly approaching another anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and the legalization of infanticide in this country. Stories like this should remind us that this fight is not complete. While things seem bleak, there is still hope that the tide could turn and abortion could be outlawed again. But we have to rise up and band together in our efforts on behalf of God and our children. God still hates hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17)!
-Andy Brewer