There is No “Plan B”

Technology is such a wonderful thing…when it works!  However, when that technology fails you can get into trouble.  Thus you would imagine my exasperation when, for various reasons which are too lengthy to explain here, my wireless printer would not print off my notes for the auditorium class I taught last night.  Having a pretty good idea of what the problem was but not being able to fix it myself (not that advanced yet) I turned to “plan B.”  I would just pull up my notes on my tablet computer and teach class off it.  No problem…I had done it before.  So last night we had our devotional period and everyone dismissed to class.  There I am standing in front of 75-80 people and my tablet decided to freeze up.  No notes!  After an incredibly awkward 2-3 minutes I was able to find a key to my office, pat myself on the back for leaving my laptop there when I went home, and proceeded to teach class directly from my computer.  No harm no foul. 

A contingency plan is a marvelous thing as long as it works.  Murphy’s Law is far too often a sad reality of life, thus having a backup plan hopefully insures that life will continue uninterrupted by tragedy.  But what about when it comes to my soul?  Is there a “plan B?”  No!  But there is Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).  He is the “plan A” that never will fail.  He is the Rock that never shall move.  He is the Light that never grows dim.  God is a God of reliability, with whom once is enough.  Paul declared that “there is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6).  With God’s “one” there is no need for a “two!”  Thus when it comes to my soul there is no “plan B!” 

-Andy Brewer

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