It Would Have Been Better if He Hadn’t Preached on it at All!

As Christians we have a lot of battles that we have to fight in order to maintain any type of influence in this world.  Its hard to gain, easy to lose, and impossible to get anything done without.  But the bad thing is that not only do we have to stringently protect our influence, but our influence is also dependent on the activities of others who call themselves Christians.  And when they say or do something that can cast suspicion on them it often casts suspicion on us all.  That suspicion decreases influence and more often turns skeptical hearts cold toward truth because of their attitude toward those who believe it and teach it.

A prime case in point is found with preachers.  Now I am a preacher, so I feel somewhat more warranted in criticizing preachers (myself included) than others sometimes should.  But I think about how many times I have sat in pews and heard preachers preach on needed topics but delivered them with such vile and wrathful words that you almost felt sorry for those who were guilty of that sin because of the vehement attack being leveled against them.  How are such sermons usually received?  With spite and rebellion because it doesn’t appear as though there is as much concern for their souls as there is hatred toward their actions.  Now I am not advocating silence from our pulpits with regard to sin.  Sin is sin, it separates us from God and it must be confronted in our preaching in a straightforward and fearless manner (Jude 3).  But at the same time presentation and compassion mean everything when dealing with such delicate topics.  And to be honest after having heard some sermons on some subjects the end result would have been much better if that person had not preached on that topic at all.

The other day I read a news story illustrating just this fact.  It is about a denominational preacher from North Carolina who preached against homosexuality.  The problem is that he did so with words like these:

“I figured a way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers.  Build a great big large fence – 50 or 100 miles long – put all the lesbians in there.  Fly over and drop some food.  Do the same thing with the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can’t get out.  And you know what, in a few years, they’ll die out.  Do you know why?  They can’t reproduce!”

Now, let’s get a few things straight.  Homosexuality is a sin in every conceivable way and in all forms.  This is a fact the Bible makes without hesitation or apology.  The inspired words of the apostle Paul are enough to make that case without further comment (Romans 1:18-27).  However, there are appropriate ways to deal with sin that will enact the greatest degree of influence possible and there are inappropriate ways to deal with sin that will do nothing but perpetuate the lifestyle.  The difference is found in another inspired statement made by Paul that we at all times should be “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).  That is we should speak the truth without reservation but we should do so in such a way that reflects the love of God and the love of all Christians toward man’s souls regardless of what guilt they hold.

Friend, are you speaking the truth in love when you confront others about sin or speak about it generally.  If not, this one thing I can guarantee – the end result will dictate that it would have been better if you hadn’t preached on it at all!

-Andy Brewer

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