Sunday Sermon Starter 2-18-13


Do you watch the evenings news?  Do you read a daily newspaper?  Do you stay fairly up to date on the events going on in the world around you?  If so you might have a very pessimistic perspective of life.  The negativism that exists in society can suck all of the happiness that we have out of life.  And when we get soured on the world it is very difficult for our attitudes toward it to change.  In fact, not only can it take the joy out of our lives but it can cause us to lose the joy we have in Christianity.

However, regardless of how negative and mean-spirited the world is, I’m still happy to be a Christian and these are three reasons why:

Title:  Why I Am Happy to be a Christian

Text:  Philippians 3:1; 4:4

Introduction:  Of all the books of the Bible, joy is the overriding theme in the book of Philippians more so than in any other.  Twelve times in its four short chapters Paul includes either the word “rejoice” or “joy” to indicate his disposition to his life, his brethren, and his faith.  In spite of the negativism that encompassed the world, even in that time, it is amazing to see just how optimistic he was able to remain regarding Christianity.  We have to be very careful to not let the depressing events in the world around us make us forget about just how glorious life is in Christ.  What are some principles that we should remember to know why we should be happy to be Christians?

Discussion Points:
·      It Makes Like Worth Living – A life that is lived outside of Christ is a wasted life.  Why?  Because a life lived outside of Christ is counterproductive to our purpose of pleasing God (Revelation 3:16).  Because a life lived outside of Christ pits us against the God who would otherwise save us (Matthew 6:24).  Because a life lived outside of Christ assures our eternal damnation (Matthew 25:45-46).  However, true Christianity will bring all of the satisfaction that we can possibly have.  In Christ we seek the will of One higher than our own (Matthew 7:21).  In Christ we represent the Sovereign God of the universe (Ephesians 5:8).  In Christ we love righteousness and reject evil (Psalm 1:1-3).  Christianity makes us truly happy because it makes life worth living.

·      It means I Can Pray With Assurance – Prayer is one of the most glorious but untapped blessings available to every soul in Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Colossians 4:2).  But unlike the skeptical and pessimistic attitudes that exist in the world regarding the power of prayer, the Bible relates the confidence that we can have in its effectiveness (1 Peter 3:12; 1 John 3:22).  We cannot look to prayer as a “wish list” and God as our “Genie,” but prayer nonetheless is a very powerful tool to which we, as Christians, can turn with assurance.

·      It Means I Can Face Death With Confidence – Death represents a lot of different things to different people.  To the atheist death is the end.  To the agnostic death is a mystery.  To the mystics death is a hiatus.  To the non-Christian death is eternal.  But to the Christian death is but a new beginning.  The Bible discusses the Christian’s perspective of death in a hope-filling way.  To the faithful Christian death is: a gain (Philippians 1:21); a victory (1 Corinthians 15:50); the beginning of our rest (Revelation 14:13); the reception of our inheritance (John 14:1-3); time to be with Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13); our reward/crown (revelation 2:10).  To the faithful Christian death is not something to fear but something to anticipate (2 Timothy 4:6-8).

Can you rejoice in Christ?  If not, have you forgotten the joy and happiness that is present in Christ?  This joy can be yours if in humble penitence you would submit yourself to a will that is much higher than your own.  Then you, too, can be happy to be a Christian!

QUESTION:  What are some other reasons why you are happy to be a Christian?

-Andy Brewer

1 thought on “Sunday Sermon Starter 2-18-13”

  1. Thanks for the post. Now more than ever we need to submit to God and let our Christian light shine so that so many that are struggling with Christ in this world will come to know the joy that can only be found in Him. Great thoughts.


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