What Makes You Different?


So you’re a Christian, right? At least you claim to be. Redeemed, forgiven, blessed. I mean, that’s what being a Christian is all about isn’t it? At least that’s all the good stuff. But Christians are also the church. And while that includes all of those benefits like redemption, forgiveness, and other blessings it also includes an identity that sometimes escapes us.

The word church in your New Testament is translated from an old Greek word that literally means “the called out ones.” It is the very idea illustrated in Peter’s admonition that Christians “are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that ye may show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Christians are called out of the world to be new and better. The church has been called to be different. So you’re a Christian? At least you claim to be. So what is it that makes you different?

Are you different in the way that you talk? Are you crude coarse, vulgar, and hateful or do your words reflect a spirit of holiness, purity, and kindness? “The tongue also is a little member, and boasteth great things” (James 3:5). It can either do a lot of good or cause a lot of trouble. It can either distinguish us from the world or make us fit right in. As a Christian are you different in the way that you talk?

Are you different in the way that you act toward others?  Spite, envy, anger, frustration, and criticism are the ways with which those that in the world most often deal with one another. But on the other hand those in the kingdom are told to conduct themselves according to principles like “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). Which best describes you? As a Christian are you different in the way that you act toward others?

Are you different in the way that you think? Many people’s minds are consumed by thoughts that are selfish, impure, carnal, and reckless. And since Solomon said that “as a man thinketh within himself, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7) then having that type of mentality can be a huge potential problem. Instead, Christians are called to think about whatever is true and honorable, and just and pure and lovely and of good report (Philippians 4:8). What type of mentality defines you? As a Christian are you different in the way that you think?

Are you different in the way that you live? The world is dishonest, greedy, promiscuous, sensual, and evil. But Christians are supposed to be honest, content, pure, and righteous. We’re called to be different in the way we live, “not fashioned according to this world,” but transformed (Romans 12:2). And how we live is pretty evident to those around us. Even the most morally bankrupt can tell whether a person is a genuine Christian or not based on the way that they live. As a Christian are you different in how you live?

We can call ourselves Christians all day long, but unless there’s something different about us in the way that we talk, in the way that we act toward others, in the way that we think, and in the way that we live how will anybody know? We are called to be different. So what makes you different?


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