Bigger Better Faith


There’s no doubt that the apostles made some serious mistakes at times. Whether it was their concern with who would be greatest in the kingdom (Luke 22:24), their lack of trust in Jesus through the storm (Mark 4:40), or their perpetual confusion regarding the true nature of the kingdom (Acts 1:6). But amidst the mistakes they made (some of which we are still making today) there was a lot that they did right, and one of the things they did right was know the extent of their own limitations.

So in Luke 17 when they were having a discussion with Jesus about their capabilities to forgive their brother unendingly they felt inadequate in that regard and asked the Lord to “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). On that occasion Jesus simply reminded them that to do what He was asking they had adequate faith. But that’s not to say that their faith did not have many other areas in which it could grow. That’s not to say that our faith does not have many areas in which it can grow.

Day after day after day, throughout our lives we should be searching, striving to make ours’ a bigger, better faith. That can include many things such as more attention to our prayer lives, increased efforts of service to our God and fellow man, counting our blessings, etc. But one thing we can never forget, and should be at the top of our list, is the fact that our faith does not grow without serious attention being given to Bible study. If “faith cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17) then any growth in that faith will result from the same.

This is exactly what I hope we can accomplish together here at Bigger Better Faith. This site is going to be dedicated to providing biblically based, thought provoking, and socially relevant content that will help to facilitate spiritual growth among us all. We’ll be posting twice weekly so check back often to access all new posts, or better yet subscribe to our email list and follow me on Twitter to receive updates as they come.

In addition there is a lot of other content provided from a link to my teaching videos to books I am reading throughout the year along with links for how to purchase them yourselves. This site will continue to grow over time with different forms of content being made available all with our purpose of building up our faith in mind. Thanks for checking my new site out today and I’ll be back the first of next week with a new post.


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