They had been arrested, rebuked, publically humiliated, beaten, and imprisoned. Their crime? They were unashamed Christians, fearlessly promoting the cause of Jesus. But God had provided. They were released, and with their release came the added opportunity to have an eternal influence in the life of not just one man, but his entire family. So imagine the thrill that must have filled Paul’s and Silas’ hearts when the Philippian jailor spoke these words: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30).
Everything they had suffered over the last few hours was validated in the interest this man now showed in becoming a Christian. Paul and Silas immediately advised him of his responsibilities and he and his family believed and were baptized for the remission of their sins (vs. 33). But then what? They had become Christians, but now came the responsibility to be a Christian. What were they to do?
Maybe you are in a similar position. Or maybe you know someone who is in a similar position. You/they have recently become a Christian or maybe you/they have been a Christian for years. But where do you go from here? You just want to be a Christian but you’re not exactly sure what steps you need to take after your obedience to really solidify yourself in the faith. What can you do?
Have hands open to serve. While we don’t read anything else about the jailor or his family from Acts 16, we do have plenty of other success stories from conversion accounts in the book of Acts. One of them is in Acts 2 when after 3,000 souls became Christians they immediately found their purpose in serving. In fact, their hearts were so open to serve that they “sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need” (vs. 45). Too often a person becomes a Christian and their attention is solely directed inward. Christianity becomes all about them, their wants, their desires. They forget about God and those around them. They fail to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). They give very little attention to doing good to all men (Galatians 6:10). Being a workman of God is rarely an option (Ephesians 2:10). They want Christianity but they have been convinced that they can have it their way and on their terms. That simply is not true. It flies in the face of everything the New Testament teaches us about what being a Christian is all about. If you want to be a Christian have hands that are open to serve.
Have a mind open to learn. Contrary to what many in the world believe about the church, many of us are open to listen, study, and learn things about the Bible that we admittedly do not know. Sadly that is not true for many Christians. One of the greatest hurdles many churches have to face is members who walk into their Christianity with open prejudices and know-it-all attitudes. They have all the answers before the questions are even asked. Like Job said of his “friends” – when they die wisdom will die with them (Job 12:2). The church has faced this problem on many fronts: from the Christians in Rome and Corinth who thought they had all of the answers regarding meat that had been offered to idols (Romans 14; 1 Corinthians 8) to Diotrophes who just thought that he knew best about everything (3 John 9-10). Egos aside the fact is that any person only has all the answers in as much as the Bible has all the answers. But we must be open and eager to learn lest our ignorance be a burden to the work of the church. If you want to be a Christian have a mind that is open to learn.
Have a heart open to love. Jesus said that, among many identifiable marks, the world would know we are Christians only if we learn to love (John 13:35). I think this is one of those areas where a few have ruined the reputation of the many, but Christians aren’t known for their love any more. In fact, many in the world have come to, unjustifiably, label Christians as a hate group. I do not really question how many Christians honestly love those around them. I cannot judge what people feel. However, what we do is an entirely different matter. I wonder how often we actually show the world how much we love them. Do we ever offer a helping hand or a kind word in the name of Jesus? Do we treat people like we’re happy they are lost or like we want nothing more under heaven than for them to be saved? Our words and our actions put our hearts on full display. So if you want to be a Christian have a heart that is open to love.
I fear that there are many among us that are “playing Christianity.” That is, Christianity is not a serious lifestyle to them but just a pastime. Honestly, though, what is necessary to be a Christian is simple. Just be a Christian. Be a Christian in every sense of the term. Be a Christian in mind body and soul. Make it a commitment, a priority. Give your total allegiance to God. Follow Him unwaveringly. Serve Him unquestionably. Honor Him unendingly. That’s when being a Christian becomes more than wearing a name. It becomes an identity. Just be a Christian.
-Andy Brewer